By maintaining your family’s comfort level throughout the cold winter here in Massachusetts, your home’s heating system is one of the hardest working parts of your home.
Now, with the very low temperatures we’re currently enduring, we at Maffei Services want to ensure that our customers’ heating equipment is in top-working condition to avoid any potential “no heat” emergencies.
We are offering a FREE home heating equipment audit to our existing customers! We have limited appointments left this week. To claim yours, please select one of the remaining appointment times and call to schedule with our office!
What you should expect:
A home comfort specialist will visit to assess your home’s current heating and cooling system, provide a custom list of energy-saving recommendations for your home’s systems, and will help you develop a plan to make your system more efficient.
Home Heating & Cooling Equipment Audit steps:
- What’s working + what’s not. We’ll complete an expert evaluation of your heating and cooling equipment, identifying its strengths and weaknesses. We’ll also analyze your home and family’s heating and cooling needs.
- Your system’s “wear age”. We’ll analyze the condition of your equipment and give you an estimate of how long it will last based on current maintenance. Your equipment may be 10 years old but only have a “wear age” of 2 years. However your equipment may be two years old but have a “wear age” of 10 years. We’ll explain how long it will be before you will need to get service, and we’ll give you a ‘prescription’ to make your equipment last as long as possible.
- Well running equipment reduces indoor air pollution. We’ll determine if your equipment is in good health. Just like people, if heating or cooling equipment is in bad health it will not live long. Healthy equipment is great for healthy wallets and for healthy people. Yes, your equipment’s health can affect your and your family’s health. Just like you track in dirt from the outside, you also track in car exhaust, cigarette smoke, asphalt, chemicals, dust, germs, pollens, tar, soot and many others. These pollutants get lodged into equipment just like dirt, and can circulate through the air. There is a way out of this vicious cycle. Ensuring your filters are clean and your equipment is working efficiently gets rid of these pollutants in your home’s air.
- Making it last. We’ll give you helpful suggestions on how to make your equipment last as long as possible and still operate like new. Sometimes just a little tweak to the equipment can make a huge difference in efficiency and longevity of the equipment.
- Your system’s report card. After analyzing your equipment, we’ll give you a complete written report of its condition, where you can increase efficiency and ultimately save money while keeping your home comfortable.
Please call us today with your first and second preferred dates and times: 978-432-6040. Refer to the remaining available dates and times in the right-hand column of this email.